
Study on Land Renovation Planning Method of Mountainous Tourism Villages

  • 摘要: 本文在乡村振兴战略背景下,选择山地型旅游特色乡村这一特定对象研究其用地整治规划方法,旨在得出具有可操作性和实际应用价值的研究成果。首先提炼了山地型旅游特色乡村的特征及其现状用地问题,在此基础上,总结其用地整治规划的重要性和特殊性,以及规划需要解决的问题,包括明确村庄建设用地规模、建设强度和解决宅基地及土地使用权属流转问题。再从村域和村庄两个层面,提出山地型旅游特色乡村用地整治规划的难点:一是在村域层面,要以维护大地肌理和历史文脉为前提,统筹优化村域建设用地格局,重点通过凋敝村整治实现村域建设用地节约集约的效果;二是在村庄层面,从政策和技术两方面着手,通过村庄混合用地引导村庄用地整治规划,实现乡村土地的复合利用,并为村庄用地权属的确定提供规划量化指标,是引导村庄用地功能兼容和动态有机更新的方法尝试。


    Abstract: Under the background of rural revitalization strategy, this paper chooses mountainous tourism villages as a specific object to study the method of rural land renovation planning, which aims to get an operable and practical research results. Based on analysis of the characteristic of the object and its current land use situation, the paper summarizes the importance and particularity of its land renovation planning and the problems that need to be solved, including the scale and construction strength of the rural construction land, and the ownership argue in land circulation. Then, the paper proposes two difficult points of the land renovation planning of mountain tourist villages, from the scale of the whole village area and the village construction land. From the scale of the whole village area, the maintenance of earth landscape and the preservation of historical context should be taken as the premise, optimizing the pattern of construction land in the village as a whole, and focusing on achieving the effect of saving and intensive construction land in the village by renovating the depressed villages. From the scale of the village construction land, rural land renovation planning can be led with rural mixed land use in terms of policy and technology in order to realize land compound utilization, and to provide quantitative planning indicators for the confirmation of rural construction land right, which is an attempt to guide the functional compatibility and dynamic organic renovation of rural land use.


